The group is called Cinetix, it is twenty years old and based in Padua. The company is named Microtel Innovation, hosted in the Business Innovation Center of Trento, and has been around for about ten years. They specialize in network visibility, industrial automation, contact centers, and Microtel develops systems capable of monitoring the performance of IT networks.
“We measure the consumption of large data centers and assess the traffic they handle, allowing companies and organizations to improve and optimize,” explains Adelio De Bernardi, a product development expert from Varese. In short, there are those who study how to save on the bill but also how to increase the climate neutrality of entities that rely on large amounts of energy: managing data in data centers truly requires a lot of energy. Microtel is an entity that merges the DNA of telecommunications engineering with the skills of IT professionals and electronic engineers. They experiment with acceleration cards and new technologies that measure electrical consumption and data traffic flow.
In 2023, the Puexential project was launched, which evaluates the energy consumption of data centers: “Usually, to monitor data traffic, it is copied. Instead, with our technologies, we are in line, live. The devices insert tools, data capture instruments on the line.” Devices that are also useful for preventing cyber piracy intrusions that allow illegal access to online and paid services.
“We can measure up to 6 terabytes per second of traffic,” emphasized by Microtel. Technologies that are also useful for wiretaps for judicial authorities, who may need to extract only specific types of online traffic. And real diagnostic tools to measure the performance of 5G technologies and the quality of voice in 4G communications. The market for these systems? Italy, the United States, as well as India and Japan.