Let’s meet in person again! After the stop due to the pandemic, we are happy to take part in a live event that is one of the most important ones in our sector: MWC Barcelona will be held from February 28 to March 3, and Microtel Innovation will be there. Please contact us at marketing@microtelinnovation.com to arrange a meeting.
The world’s largest and most influential connectivity event, MWC Barcelona is the perfect chance to “reconnect, reimagine and reinvent” after the difficult time we have been through. An event that is rightly considered as a unique chance for meeting and keeping up to date with the most relevant news of the sector, MWC Barcelona is definitely the place to be.
It will be focused on all relevant themes in the connectivity sector, like 5G, Advanced AI, CloudNet, IoT. At Microtel Innovation we are always keen on investigating all the new networking technologies and the challenges they bring. In particular, as we have already let you know, we are exploring several topics related to 5G Network Monitoring and Security, like 5G user data balancing and 5G SA data tapping, offering our solutions and products.
MWC Barcelona will be the perfect chance to look into this and other themes and get even more ready to face the challenges of the future.
Let’s all meet there!