Subscriber UP/CP Visibility

What do you need?

Reduce Core Network traffic towards security and monitoring tools

Mobile core network switches adopt GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) to carry mobile data across the network.

In the recent years, the overall volume of the data moving through mobile networks has dramatically grown, causing several challenges to the existing monitoring tools. Rather than adding new probes with the view of cope with the high traffic flow, the Operator might prefer to reduce user plane traffic sending only the relevant data to the monitoring tools.

This is where Microtel Innovation can help, improving monitoring tools efficiency and allowing Telecom Operators to stick within the budget.

How Microtel Innovation can help

Aster XGB Series and Aster XFE Streamliner

Microtel Innovation provides several solutions to manage and reduce the ever growing GTP traffic in core network sites.

All these devices perform stateful correlation of the GTP-U and GTP-C traffic, load balancing the output traffic belonging to the same subscriber, both Control and User Plane, to a unique output port. Moreover, to reduce the amount of data sent to the monitoring tools, Microtel Innovation provides several filtering criteria (i.e. IMSI, APN, Inner IP, etc.).

Additionally, thanks to their capability to correlate GTP-U and GTP-C traffic, Aster XGB and A-XFE can easily filter the Core Network traffic based on any parameter included in the GTP-C packets, since the device knows at which subscriber the user plane belongs.

Choose the right product for your needs

Compare Microtel Innovation Subscriber UP/CP Visibility. Download the technical datasheet or visit the dedicated page.

Product A-XFE Streamliner Aster A-818/A-820 Aster A-718/A-720
Product image A-XFE-20C_ant_prosp_DX A-x18_ant_prosp_DX A-x20_ant_prosp_DX
Technical data sheet A-XFE STREAMLINER ASTER A-818/A-820 Aster A-718/A-720
Total Traffic for GTP and APM capabilities 200 Gb/s 100 Gb/s 100 Gb/s
GTP Statefull Correlation
GTP Session Aware Load Balancing
GTP Session Aware Sampling&Filtering /
GTP Session Aware Advanced Filtering / /
NPB advanced capabilities / /
Max number of 100 Gb/s ports 20 0 (A-818) 2 (A-820) 0 (A-718) 2 (A-720)
Max number of 40 Gb/s ports 20 0 0
Max number of 10 Gb/s ports 80 40 (A-818) 20 (A-820) 40 (A-718) 20 (A-720)
Max number of 1 Gb/s ports 0 20 20
Chassis 1U 1U 1U
AC Redundant power supply
DC Redundant power supply
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